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During this 60-minute workshop, you’ll learn…


without having to grow your audience

How to start booking high-ticket (cool & creative) client projects


and how you can have it too

The one thing that all high-end designers have in common


without losing the client

How to charge more for your design work

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make your dream clients pay attention.

my goal for you

raise your hand if...

You’re burned out by the soul-sucking design work you have to say “yes” to just to pay the bills
You’ve been spinning your wheels trying to pump out content that *might* attract your dream client
You’re tired of being passed over for designers who will do it for cheaper
You can’t seem to create financial consistency and working for yourself is starting to feel like a pipe dream

Comparing yourself to other designers is killing your chances of success.

Spoiler Alert

You will never be them.

but they will never be you.

So how do you tap into the ideas inside of you that will make you the ONLY designer your dream clients want to work with?

Watch the Workshop

This workshop’s for you if…

Your primary point of design inspiration is other designers (and design work) that you love

You bounce from one design style to the next, not really sure what kind of design is “you”

You love graphic design but aren’t 100% sure why a client should hire you over the designer next door

You want to be given the opportunity to work on bigger, more creative design projects

original ideas
separate the good
from the great.

Every graphic designer has the ability to create originally inspired work - the kind of work that gets you noticed by your dream clients.

But how do you create truly great, original work? Where do your ideas come from? And how then, do you take an idea from concept to execution?

I’ve spent the last 8 years exploring my own creative process. My work has caught the attention of brands and designers alike, from all over the world. And I'm pulling back the curtain and showing you exactly how to become a sought-after graphic designer.

Hi, i'm ariel! i believe...

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Designer magic workshop

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Unlock your secret weapon for becoming a sought-after graphic designer by becoming more YOU.